Product Development
Turn Wants into Desires.
From the way your product is formulated to smell and taste, to the look and feel of its packaging, we are able to assess and improve the performance of your product across all of the senses. By measuring both the emotional and cognitive experience of your end consumers, we can provide insight into how it can be improved to deliver the ultimate consumer experience, from how it is viewed on-shelf through to how it is finally consumed and enjoyed.
Before a consumer can even experience your product first hand, they need to see it. Package design needs to be optimised to grab attention in-store, elicit a positive emotional response and both drive appetite appeal and purchase intent. From it’s colour and shape, to the use of food and ingredients imagery, each individual element of your packaging design needs careful consideration and craft.
Smell (Olfaction)
Scent can be an incredibly powerful marketing tool as it is closely linked with memory, probably more so than any of our other senses. In addition, the human nose can smell at least one trillion distinct scents, each of which can be seen as a unique opportunity to increase the memorability of the consumer experience and entrench positive associations with your brand.
Before a consumer can even experience your product first hand, they need to see it. Package design needs to be optimised to grab attention in-store, elicit a positive emotional response and both drive appetite appeal and purchase intent. From it’s colour and shape, to the use of food and ingredients imagery, each individual element of your packaging design needs careful consideration and craft.
Your sense of touch, or tactile sense, is made up of a very fine network of receptors in your skin, forming your body's largest sensory system. It can be used by brands to drive engagement, as well communicate and entrench both intrinsic and extrinsic brand qualities (such as the premium quality of a product, provide a sense of luxury and decadence, or even affordability and value).
The music you associate with your brand can have a deep and meaningful impact on your customer. It can help them remember your products features and benefits, build positive brand associations, provide unique brand experiences and entrench emotional connections.
If you're still thinking,
"Why should I?" then read on.
Using best practice derived from academic research on the human visual system and the psychology of vision, the field of Neurodesign now provides marketers with a new set of tools to craft more effective designs.
We use Neurodesign principles to help ensure that your creative teams get off to the best start when redesigning your existing brand, product and it’s packaging, or when developing an entirely new one from scratch. We then utilize our Consumer Neuroscience research methods to futher optimize both it’s asthetic apeal and perceived utility. We do this by measuring, understanding and influencing the way in which your design is experienced first-hand by your target consumer on both an emotional and cognitive level.
From how you brand should look, to how it should feel; taste; touch and sound - we’re able to assess and optimize the full sensory expereince.
Consumer Neuroscience gives you access to the hearts and minds of your consumers during their sensory expereince. However, unlike the sixth sense misnomer of extrasensory perception and telepathy, it’s based on hard science, not pseudoscience.
Ready to separate experiential fact from fiction?